Sikap yang harus dikembangkang salad masyarakat yang beragam selection Indonesia

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Sikap yang harus dikembangkang salad masyarakat yang beragam selection Indonesia adalah

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


>>> Social Science

  • Number 1

Increasing tolerance: Society must increase tolerance for existing differences. Tolerance can be realized by not feeling better than others, respecting and recognizing rights others, and respect freedom of religion and belief.

  • Number 2

Respect for diversity: Society must respect diversity in various aspects of life, such as art, culture, and customs. This can be done by studying, appreciating, and maintain that diversity.

  • Number 3

Increasing cooperation: Society should increase cooperation in various fields. Cooperation can help strengthen togetherness and strengthen unity among ethnic groups, religions and groups.

  • Number 4

Respect for differences: Society must respect the differences that exist and accept differences as wealth that must be maintained and maintained.

  • Number 5

Avoiding discrimination: Society must avoid all forms of discrimination, be it discrimination against ethnicity, religion, race, and class. This can be done by not differentiating treatment and treating everyone the same.

Explain: By implementing the above attitudes, it is hoped that the Indonesian people can live in harmony and peace within the existing diversity and can strengthen the unity and integrity of the nation.

  • 11 March 2023

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Last Update: Thu, 08 Jun 23