Rainatha sorry guys, the kitchen is small. It's not comfortable

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dyahwulandari508 pada mata pelajaran PPKn untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Rainatha sorry guys, the kitchen is small. It's not comfortable for all of usKezzyna: it's
think it's very nice kitchen. Look at this purple disk rack it's very cute
Rainatha: yes, and everything is very well-organized. It's a very neat kitchen
Now, answer the following questioni
1. A: How is Rainatha's Kitchen ?
ZA: What is in Rainatha's kitchen?
Dialogue 2
Adam Faried, your house is far from your school, but you always come on time
Ryan I always go to school at 6 am. That's why I'm never late
3. A is Ryan's house near from the school?
4. What time does Ryan gonto school?
ble words in to good sentences:
my favorite
7 what color is jasmine?
8 does the Tiger run very fast?

Tolong dong buat yang bisa ngerjain ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Dialogue 1

1.Rainatha's kitchen is small but it's nice and very well organized + neat

2.It is purple disk rack in Rainatha's kitchen

Dialogue 2

3.no,it isn't but it's far from school

4.Ryan go to school at 6 am



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Last Update: Wed, 07 Jul 21