menceritakan cita cita,alasanmu memilih cita cita mu pakai bahasa inggris?kalau

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Menceritakan cita cita,alasanmu memilih cita cita mu pakai bahasa inggris?kalau cita citanya pilot
bantu ya kak​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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contoh karangan cerita tentang cita2 yg ingin menjadi pilot

When i was child i want to be pilot. I want to make iron flying in the sky. The idealistic dream when i was child. And i often buy an miniature of airplane and imagine that someday i will fly as a pilot with a beautiful female attendant. But in fact in the reality, to be pilot is not easy like that.

Pilot should has an ability to driving airplane in the sky.And should pass in the text from flying school. And when they are graduate they will get fly certificate.Except certificate of fly and another aspect to measure the pilot is the hour of the pilot fly in the sky.

The safety in the airplane when airplane fly is an pilot responsibility. In the flying time, from take off until landing, the pilot and also co-pilot will follow the way of flying in the sky with help from airplane navigation and follow information that give by tower control of flying. In the commercial flying, pilot and also copilot has a job desk to drive the airplane and the male and female attendant has a responsibility to help passenger in the airplane.So, that is about my dream to be pilot. To make my dream come true i should study hard and always pray to God.

#semoga membantuXD

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Last Update: Wed, 30 Jun 21