jelaskan bahwa diterapkannya politik etis (balas budi) ternyata tidak langsung

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jelaskan bahwa diterapkannya politik etis (balas budi) ternyata tidak langsung berdampak pada bangsa Indonesia...​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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>>> Social Science

The implementation of ethical politics or "politik etis" by the Dutch colonial government in Indonesia was aimed at modernizing and improving the social and economic conditions of the Indonesian people. However, the policies were primarily driven by the Dutch interests and had limitations in terms of their impact on the Indonesian nation. The policies focused on improving infrastructure such as roads, irrigation systems, and public buildings, which did provide some benefits for the Indonesian people. But the main beneficiaries of these improvements were the Dutch plantation owners and traders who could transport their goods more easily and cheaply. Moreover, the policies of ethical politics did not address the fundamental issues of Indonesian independence, sovereignty, and political representation. Instead, the Dutch government continued to hold a monopoly on political power and decision-making, leading to continued exploitation of Indonesian resources and labor.

Explain: Politics is the process of making collective decisions and exercising power over a group of people or a society. It involves the activities and behaviors related to governance and public affairs, such as the formulation of policies, the allocation of resources, and the resolution of conflicts. Politics can be practiced by individuals, groups, or institutions, and can take place at various levels, from the local to the national or international level.

  • 6 March 2023

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Last Update: Sun, 04 Jun 23