1.(+)the sun rises the east(simple present tense (-) (?) 2.they study english online

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari queenaprilia92111 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1.(+)the sun rises the east(simple present tense(-)
2.they study english online every friday(simple present tense)

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



(+) The sun rises in the east.

(-) The sun doesn't rise in the east.

(?) Does the sun rise in the east?


(+) They study English online every Friday.

(-) They don't study English online every Friday.

(?) Do they study English online every Friday?


Present Simple Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan :

- Kejadian yang terjadi sekarang

- Kebenaran umum

- Aksi kebiasaan


Rumus Present Simple Tense

1. Verbal, Subject I, You, We, They

(+) Subject + Verb 1 + Object

(-) Subject + "don't" + Verb 1 + Object

(?) "Do" + Subject + Verb 1 + Object


2. Verbal, Untuk Subject He, She, It

(+) Subject + Verb 1 + "s/es" + Object

(-) Subject + "doesn't" + Verb 1 + Object

(?) "Does" + Subject + Verb 1 + Object


3. Nominal, Subject I

(+) Subject + "am" + Adjective/Noun/Adverb

(-) Subject + "am" + "not" + Adjective/Noun/Adverb

(?) "Am" + Subject + Adjective/Noun/Adverb + ?


4. Nominal, Subject You, We, They

(+) Subject + "are" + Adjective/Noun/Adverb

(-) Subject + "are" + "not" + Adjective/Noun/Adverb

(?) "Are" + Subject + Adjective/Noun/Adverb + ?


5. Nominal, Subject He, She, It

(+) Subject + "is" + Adjective/Noun/Adverb

(-) Subject + "is" + "not" + Adjective/Noun/Adverb

(?) "Is" + Subject + Adjective/Noun/Adverb + ?


 \boxed { themarblerace }

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Last Update: Mon, 27 Jun 22