QUESTION 1 a) Relate three harmful effects of acid deposition/rain to

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nursyazaira99 pada mata pelajaran Kimia untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

QUESTION 1a) Relate three harmful effects of acid deposition/rain to human, animals and plants.
(3 marks)
b) Compare between point source and non-point source water pollution. Give one example
for each source of pollution.
(5 marks)
a) Natural or unpolluted water is colourless, odourless and transparent. Water pollution
changes the characteristics of water. Examine how water pollution can change the
characteristics of water.
(3 marks)
b) Eutrophication is a leading cause of impairment of many freshwater and coastal marine
ecosystems in the world. Describe the two major causes and its main sources of
(4 marks)

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a) Three harmful effects of acid deposition/rain to human, animals and plants are:

Health effects: Acid deposition can cause respiratory problems in humans and animals, such as coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. It can also damage crops and forests, leading to reduced yields and less available food.

Soil degradation: Acid deposition can also change the chemical composition of the soil, causing it to become more acidic and less fertile. This can lead to the decline of plant growth and reduce the ability of the soil to support wildlife.

Damage to structures: Acid deposition can corrode metals and other building materials, leading to costly repairs and maintenance. It can also reduce the life span of buildings, bridges and other structures, leading to increased repair and replacement costs.

b) Point source water pollution is a type of water pollution that originates from a specific, identifiable source such as a factory, sewage treatment plant or agricultural runoff. Example: A chemical factory releasing pollutants into a nearby river.

Non-point source water pollution is a type of water pollution that is not from a single, identifiable source, but from multiple sources and often from diffuse runoff from agricultural and urban areas. Example: Runoff from agricultural lands carrying fertilizers and pesticides into rivers and streams.

a) Water pollution can change the characteristics of water in several ways:

Color: Water pollution can cause water to change color, becoming cloudy or murky. This can be caused by a variety of pollutants such as oil, industrial waste and sewage.

Odor: Water pollution can also change the odor of water, making it smell unpleasant. This can be caused by the presence of pollutants such as sewage, manure or rotting organic matter.

Transparency: Water pollution can reduce the transparency of water, making it difficult to see through. This can be caused by particles such as sediment or microscopic algae in the water.

b) Eutrophication is a process in which water bodies receive excess nutrients, usually from human activities, leading to an increase in plant and algae growth. The two major causes of eutrophication are:

Agricultural runoff: Excessive use of fertilizers in agriculture can result in runoff of excess nutrients into nearby water bodies, leading to eutrophication.

Sewage discharge: Discharge of untreated or partially treated sewage into water bodies can also contribute to eutrophication, as it contains high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus.

The main sources of eutrophication are human activities such as agriculture, sewage treatment plants, and runoff from urban areas.

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Last Update: Sat, 13 May 23