TaskRead the following text carefully!BAKSO MAS PAIJODo you meatball lovers?

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari maret06cm pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

TaskRead the following text carefully!
Do you meatball lovers? You must visit the cart on the road mas paljo
20. In this place, the meatball is very special and yummy. You can choose some vari
meatball, mercon meatball, and jeroan meatball. The most favorite one is mercon mea
taste, so you don't have to add chilli and pepper.
Bakso Mas Paijo has a good taste, as good as eating in paradise, with low prices, an
You can order on 05432178.
Answer these questions based on the text above!
1. What is the advertisement about?
2. From the text we know that the meatballs
3. Where we can find Mas Paijo cart?
4. How many variant tastes of the meatballs?
Answer: ......
5. Why mercon taste become the most favorite one?
BAHASA INGGRIS / KELAS IX / SEMESTERwhat ia the advertise menit about​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. What is the advertisement about?

Answer: The advertisement is about Bakso Mas Paijo.

2. From the text we know that the meatballs

Answer: The meatballs are very special and yummy.

3. Where we can find Mas Paijo cart?

Answer: We can find Mas Paijo cart on the road.

4. How many variant tastes of the meatballs?

Answer: There are three variant tastes of the meatballs.

5. Why mercon taste become the most favorite one?

Answer Mercon taste become the favorite one because you don't have to add chili and pepper.


Untuk soal nomor 3 dan 4, karena teks tidak lengkap, coba diperiksa lagi teksnya. Nama jalan tidak lengkap pada teks. Begitu pula dengan nama varian bakso. Hanya ada dua yang terlihat, yaitu mercon meatball, dan jeroan meatball.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai example of advertisement pada yomemimo.com/tugas/5283791


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Last Update: Wed, 23 Jun 21