ringkasan novel dalam bahasa inggris dong temen temen :) ​

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Ringkasan novel dalam bahasa inggris dong temen temen :) ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Charlotte’s Web – E.B. White

This very fun book is suitable for all ages. Although it is popular with children, there are still many adults who say this is their favorite book. This book is included in the curriculum in many schools, it can even be guaranteed that all children living in English-speaking countries have read this book at least once. Synopsis: Wilbur was a pig that was born very small. He was about to be killed by the owner because he couldn't sell it. But he was saved by Fern, a quiet little girl who understands the language of animals. The path of fate led Wilbur to live in a large barn, befriending a beautiful spider named Charlotte. Wilbur is suddenly upset when he hears of the fate that will befall him: being slaughtered at the Christmas celebration. Charlotte tries to save Wilbur from death. With his silk threads, he spun the words “Great Pig” in the center of his net. Farmers and the surrounding community were made a commotion. They considered Wilbur a pig who was awarded a miracle. Wilbur suddenly became famous, Charlotte was completely unknown. But because of love, Charlotte feels happy when she sees her best friend happy.

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Last Update: Tue, 01 Feb 22