풍 Act Also, companies have no difficulties in [3] the audience. Using analytic

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari zalwaadu85 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Also, companies have no difficulties in [3]
the audience. Using analytic tools on the
Internet, companies can see how many people see their advertisements. It's significant to determine
whether your advertisement has reached many people or not.
.In conclusion, using digital media is very [5].
a company's income.
Then, digital advertising is cost effective. Companies can advertise their services for [4]
on many platforms. They can send and receive e-mails without involving any cost. It's different from
traditional marketing that requires cost for printing the advertisement and sending it. Consumers can
see the products in the advertisements easily too. Only by clicking a website or visiting social media,
they can see the detailed products.
in business. It's one way to enhance
Adapted from: https://tedigitalmarketing.com/digital-marketing/pros-and-cons-of-traditional-marketing-and-digital-marketing/
(September 17, 2022)
Also, companies have no difficulties in [3]
the audience. Using analytic tools on the
Internet, companies can see how many people see their advertisements. It's significant to determine
whether your advertisement has reached many people or not.
.In conclusion, using digital media is very [5].
a company's income.
Then, digital advertising is cost effective. Companies can advertise their services for [4]
on many platforms. They can send and receive e-mails without involving any cost. It's different from
traditional marketing that requires cost for printing the advertisement and sending it. Consumers can
see the products in the advertisements easily too. Only by clicking a website or visiting social media,
they can see the detailed products.
in business. It's one way to enhance
Adapted from: https://tedigitalmarketing.com/digital-marketing/pros-and-cons-of-traditional-marketing-and-digital-marketing/
(September 17, 2022)

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Also, companies have no difficulties in [3] measuring the audience. Using analytic tools on the internet, companies can see how many people see their advertisements. It's significant to determine whether your advertisement has reached many people or not.

Then, digital advertising is cost effective. Companies can advertise their services for [4] free on many platforms. They can send and receive e-mails without involving any cost. It's different from traditional marketing that requires cost for printing the advertisement and sending it. Consumers can see the products in the advertisements easily too. Only by clicking a website or visiting social media, they can see the detailed products,

In conclusion, using digital media is very [5] advantageous in business. It's one way to enhance a company's income.


[3] Perusahan tidak perlu kesusahan dalam mengukur hadirin.
[4] Perusahan bisa mengiklankan jasa mereka dengan gratis di banyak platform
[5] Kesimpulannya, menggunakan media digital memiliki keuntungan yang banyak di perusahaan.

- Soal ini berhubungan dengan yomemimo.com/tugas/53319317

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Last Update: Sat, 13 May 23