Date of test 2.25.08 Dish : BLACK FOREST CAKE Yield

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari shafiralatifa6 pada mata pelajaran Matematika untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Date of test 2.25.08 Dish : BLACK FOREST CAKE Yield : 8 portions Portion size : ± 100 g Description No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. PUBLIC VOCATIONAL SCHOOL 3 MALANG HOTEL AND RESTAURANT DEPARTMENT RECIPE A layers of chocolate cake covered with whipped cream and chocolate cigarette. Ingredient Egg Egg yolk Castor sugar Cake emulsifier Soft flour Chocolate powder Milk powder Melted butter Kirsch Whipped cream Dark cherry Whipped cream Chocolate cigarettes Dark/red cherry Quantity 6 pc 2 pc 150 g 10 g 100 g 50 g 10 g 150 g 100 cc 500 g 300 g 50 g 100 g 8 pc Code: Cake Procedure Preheat oven to 200°C. Brush a deep 20 cm round tin with melted butter, line the base and side with grease paper. Beat up egg and sugar in a steel bowl until foamy, add the cake emulsifier, continue beating until thick and pale. Sift together in another bowl. Fold into the egg mixture. Fold into the egg mixture and transfer to the prepared tin. Bake for ±30 minutes or until skewer come out clean when inserted in center. Leave in tin for a few minutes. Allow to cool in a wire rack. Cut the cake into 3 layers horizontally. Finishing Sprinkle first layer with kirsch, spread with whipped cream using a palette knife. Arrange dark cherry over it. Continue this procedure with 2nd layers and top with the last layer. Cover with whipped cream completely. Decorate the cake with some rosettes of whipped cream, dark cherry and chocolate cigarettes. kak minta tolong tugasnya ngitung food cost sama harga jual​

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ya Ndak tau nanya saya

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minimal tidak nyonto brainly

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Last Update: Mon, 12 Dec 22