Where is the rice grown?People usually think that rice a........(grow)

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Where is the rice grown?People usually think that rice a........(grow) in China. But did you know that there's a place in Spain Full of rice fields? They....... (locate) in north-eastern Spain on the banks of the Ebro nature reserve. 300 tonnes of rice........ (produce) each year. The first rice....... (plant) here in 2003. Chemicals..........(not use) in the fields before 2003 so the rice is organic. Lots of birds.......... (help) by the rice fields, including herons and Flamingos. The rice......(buy) by many countries, including Germany. In 2004 the rice....... (give) an organic Food award.​

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Where is the rice grown?

People usually think that rice a growing(grow) in China. But did you know that there's a place in Spain Full of rice fields? They are Locating (locate) in north-eastern Spain on the banks of the Ebro nature reserve. 300 tonnes of rice is producing (produce) each year. The first rice is planting (plant) here in 2003. Chemicals is not using(not use) in the fields before 2003 so the rice is organic. Lots of birds helping (help) by the rice fields, including herons and Flamingos. The rice is buying.(buy) by many countries, including Germany. In 2004 the rice is giving (give) an organic Food award.

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Last Update: Wed, 24 May 23