Peter is only 12-year-old (simple present tense), but he has

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Peter is only 12-year-old (simple present tense), but he has finished high school (1.......... and is currently studying robotic engineering in MIT (2......................). He has been working hard on his project (3........... .) to create a mind-controlled exoskeleton that enables the user to move around by 'ordering' the exoskeleton to do so. He believes his invention will be very helpful to mankind (4.......... .........), especially to disabled people who have lost their body motor control. He is very determined to develop this machine and hopes that those poor people will be using the machine in the near future (5.......... ...) and thus be able to have a better life. He has set a strict project plan and aims to finish it within 2 months time. He projects that the control center helmet will have been ready for use by the end of this month (6....... ...), and hopefully people will have been using the machine by New Year (present future perfect continuous tense). His quick progress is not of unfounded reason. When he was 5 years old, he lost his use of legs (7.......... ..) after he had been severely injured in a motor accident (8....... He was accompanying his mother (9............. .......) in the backseat of her car when a truck lost control and hit the car from the rear. His mother regretted the accident very much, saying he would have been safe and sound at home (10........ ..) if he hadn't decided to bring him along. Being a single parent, he had been raising Peter alone (past perfect continuous tense) It was certainly a difficult time for the mother and son. Execution Instruction! 1. Read the text above! 2. Answer the blank! 3. Translate the text above carefully! 4. Analyze the text about the grammatical in particular part of speech and tenses! (Good luck)​

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Last Update: Mon, 22 Aug 22