Negative, yes/no question,Wh question

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari shintayuokta pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Negative, yes/no question,Wh question
Negative, yes/no question,Wh question

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. (-) My parents have not spent $1000 on a computer.

(Y/N?) Have my parents spent $1000 on a computer? Yes, they have.

(WH?) Who has spent $1000 on a computer? My parents

How much have your parent spent on a computer? $1000

2. (-) He didn't visit Italy and Spain last year.

(Y/N?) Did he visit Italy and Spain last year? Yes, he did

(WH?) When did he visit Italy and Spain? Last Year

Where did he visit last year? Italy and Spain

3. (-) It will not take four years to finish undergraduate degree.

(Y/N?) Will it take four years to finish undergraduate degree? Yes, it will

(WH?) How long will take to finish undergraduate degree? four years

4. (-) The manager has not hired a new computer programmer.

(Y/N?) Has the manager hired a new computer programmer? Yes, he has

(WH?) Who has hired a new programmer? The manager

Who has the manager hired? Computer programmer

5. (-) Alan didn't share some holiday photos on his Instagram.

(Y/N?) Did Alan share some holiday photos on his Instagram? Yes, he did

(WH?) Who shared some holiday photos on his Instagram? Alan

What did Alan share on his Instagram? Holiday photos

Where did Alan share his holiday photos? On his Instagram

6. (-) Yogyakarta State University (UNY) didn't accept 2334 new student.

(Y/N?) Did Yogyakarta State University (UNY) accept 2334 new student? Yes, it did

(WH?) Who did accept 2334 new student? Yogyakarta State University (UNY)

How many Yogyakarta State University (UNY) accept a new student? 2334

7. (-) Andrew doesn't watch ETJ English Channel twice a week.

(Y/N?) Does Andrew watch ETJ English Channel twice a week? Yes, he does

(WH?) Who watches ETJ English Channel twice a week? Andrew

What does Andrew do twice a week? watch ETJ English Channel

How many times does Andrew watch ETJ English Channel? Twice a week

8. (-) Danny doesn't like to watch action and thriller movies on Wednesday and Saturday.

(Y/N?) Does Danny like to watch action and thriller movies on Wednesday and Saturday?

(WH?) Who likes to watch action and thriller movies on Wednesday and Saturday? Danny

What does Danny like to watch on Wednesday and Saturday? Action and thriller

When does likes to watch action and thriller movies? Wednesday and Saturday


1&4. Present Perfect Tense

Kalimat positif (Subject + has/have + Verb3 + Complement)

Kalimat negatif (Subject + has/have + not + Verb3 + Complement)

Kalimat tanya (Has/have + Subject + Verb3 + Complement?)

2,5&6. Simple Past Tense

Kalimat positif (Subject + Verb2 + Complement atau subject + was/were + Complement)

Kalimat negatif (Subject + did/was/were not + Verb1 + Complement)

Kalimat tanya (Did + Subject + Verb1 + Complement? atau Was/were + Subject + Complement?

3. Simple Future Tense

Bentuk positif (+): Subject + Will/Shall + V1 + Object

Bentuk negatif (-): Subject + Will/Shall not + Verb.

Bentuk interogatif (?): Will/Shall + Subject + Verb.

7&8. Simple Present Tense

(+) S + V1 (s/es) + O

(-) S + do/does + V1 + O

(?) Do/does + S + V1 + O

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Last Update: Sun, 19 Mar 23