the text below to answer the question 1-3Dear Pita My

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari novadindahasibuan pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

the text below to answer the question 1-3Dear Pita My name is ida. lam from Banjarnegara asmall town in central Java. Now lam 12years old. Istudyin rakit junior school grade VII. ave a sister Dinda. She is ten and still in elemtery school. My sister has straight hair but I don't. Minely a little bit wavy. yway we have the same hobby singing. ita, I want to be your pen friend. I know your name from a magazine. Would you be my pen friend.Please reply my tter and tell me more about you. B. I would-Hi friend-myself-like-to introduce 2 1 8. What time is it? 1. The letter address to ? 2. Where does Ida go to school? 3. How old is the writer ? The following text is question 4-6 Hi, lam Nisa. This is my study room. My study room...(4).... a little bit messy because I.....( 5 ).... Lazy to clean it often. There are some pens and pencils on the table. They...( 6)... worthless because Idon't use them anymore. 7. Arrange the following sentences into good dialogue. A. afternoon- 4 2 always the flower - 1-every-water 3 Regard D. 01.20 IDA A.03.25 B. 07.48 C. 12.30 9. Compete the following sentences with to be. A. She didn't bring..........Umbrella. B. There s... small village down the hill 10. To day is Sunday. The day before yesterday was....... what things do you put in your school bag? 12. You meet your friend on your way to schaal. It 06.30 in the morning. Your friend is walking alone. What do you say to greet your friend?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


my name oi 1_3 dery what dou yuo say tou greet frined oun my studi room into good dialogue alone the next 01


semoga membantu

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Last Update: Thu, 09 Mar 23