Tolong yaaaaconditional sentence 1. if you had seen the concert,

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ardian5180 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Tolong yaaaaconditional sentence

1. if you had seen the concert, you (buy) all of his albums.
2. if i got a good mark, i (make) a chocolate cake for you.
3. kirana will see the movie if i (ask) her to watch it.
4. if my mother (be) sick, i will feel sad.
5. mariana would cook the soup if you (ask) her.
6. they (call) you immediately if they needed your help.
7. if your sister (pass) the exam, she would get a gift.
8. i would join the singing contest if i (be) ready.
9. they (sell) their cars if they had needed much money.
10. if i had met you earlier, i (fell) happy. ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. If you had seen the concert, you would have bought all of his albums.

2. If I got a good mark, I would make a chocolate cake for you.

3. Kirana will see the movie if I ask her to watch it.

4. If my mother is sick, I will feel sad.

5. Mariana would cook the soup if you asked her.

6. They would call you immediately if they needed your help.

7. If your sister passed the exam, she would get a gift.

8. I would join the singing contest if I were* ready.

9. They would have sold their cars if they had needed much money.

10. If I had met you earlier, I would have felt happy. ​


Conditional sentence Type 1 formula

If + Affirmative/Simple Present Tense -- Will + Verb 1


  • Ifyouride a bike, you will arrive on time.
  • Ifhego, I will stay here.

Conditional sentence Type 2 formula

If + Simple Past Tense -- Would + Verb 1


  • Ifyourode a bike, you would arrive on time.
  • Ifhewent, I would stay here.

*) Rules in Conditional Sentence Type 2:

'He/she/it' ---> using to be 'was'

'I/you/they/we' ---> using to be 'were'

(So, subject 'I' do not use 'was' as in Simple Past in general, but use 'were' in conditional sentence)

Conditional sentence Type 3 formula

If + Past Perfect Tense -- Would + Have + Past Participle/Verb 3


  • Ifyouhad ridden a bike, you would have arrived on time.
  • Ifhehad gone, I would have stayed here.

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Last Update: Sun, 17 Apr 22