1. daddy drinks a cup of coffee every daya. a

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari saputri5052 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1. daddy drinks a cup of coffee every daya. a cup of coffee was drink by daddy every dayb. a cup of coffee is drink by daddy every dayc. a cup of coffee is drunk by daddy every day2. my brother repaired the motorcycle yesterday.a. my brother was repaired the motorcycle yesterdayb. the motorcycle was repaired by my brother yesterdayc. the motorcycle was being repaired by my brother yesterday3. johan has taken an english course.a. johan has been taken an english courseb. an english course taken by johanc. an english course has been taken by johan4. mr. joko is teaching english at junior high school.a. english is teaching by mr. joko at junior high school.b. english is taught by mr. joko at junior high school.c. english is being taught by mr. joko at junior high school.5. they were watching a horror film at cinema.a. a horror film was watched by them at cinema.b. a horror film was being watched by they at cinema.c. a horror film was being watched by them at cinema.6. in the 1930’s, this tv _____.a. is manufacturedb. was manufacturedc. will be manufactured7. he _____ to my wedding party.a. are invitedb. have been invitedc. has been invited8. her first book _____ tomorrow morning.a. is launchedb. was launchedc. will be launched9. a plate of fried rice ______ every sunday morning by my mother.a. were cookedb. is cookedc. are cooked10. we will visit our grandmother next holiday. (active)our grandmother_____by us next week. (passive)a. will be being visited.b. will be visited.c. would be being visited.

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i don't know to because its soo long

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Last Update: Wed, 11 May 22