Questions 16 - 18 are based on the following short

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nenglayla1978 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Questions 16 - 18 are based on the following short dialog Qonita : Hello Fitto. What were you thinking about? Fitto Oh, actually I was wondering what I want to be in future. Qonita : Then, have you already fixed your aim in life? What do you want to be? Fitto : Of course, I want to be a doctor in future. Qonita : Really? Why have you decided to be a doctor? Fitto Well, I believe that a doctor can serve the suffering humanity best.16. What are they talking about?
A. A suffering people.
B. An aim in future life.
C. An actual human program
D. A doctor's responsibilities.

17. What will Fitto do for the living?
A Take medicine as his study.
B. Ask people to fix the hospital.
C. Serve people in famous restaurant.
D. Help doctor to prescribe the medicine.

18. "Well, I believe that a doctor can serve the suffering humanity best." (last line) The underlined word could be best replaced with
A. misery
B. pleasure
C. happiness
D. healthiness​

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Last Update: Sun, 22 May 22