Activity 2 Answer the following questions based on the pictures

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari sayataum406 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Activity 2 Answer the following questions based on the pictures above. 1 2. 3 1. How do you know about the pictures? 2. Which picture is a kind of folktale / fairytale? 3. What is a type of story in picture number 2? 4. Which one is a legend? 5. Where was the story of legend taken place? 6. How many characters are in picture 1, 2, and 3? 7. Who are they?jawabannya bukan translate nya ​
Activity 2 Answer the following questions based on the pictures above. 1 2. 3 1. How do you know about the pictures? 2. Which picture is a kind of folktale / fairytale? 3. What is a type of story in picture number 2? 4. Which one is a legend? 5. Where was the story of legend taken place? 6. How many characters are in picture 1, 2, and 3? 7. Who are they?jawabannya bukan translate nya ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Jawaban dan penjelasan:

1. First it's Cinderella, second is a lion and mouse, and third is tangkuban perahu

2. 1. Fairytale, 2. Folktale, 3. Legend

3. Folktale or Fable because tells about past events which contain a moral message

4. Third one(3)

5. West Java

6. 1. There's 2 persons: The fairy and Cinderella

2. Two persons: The Lion and the mouse

3. One Person: A man, name's Sangkuriang

7. They're people who play roles in folktales and legends

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Last Update: Fri, 01 Jul 22