a When their magnitude is as bright or brighter than

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A When their magnitude is as bright or brighter than thatof Venus (-4), meteors are called 'fireballs'. Are fireballs
'meteors with a magnitude greater than -4' or 'meteors with
a magnitude less than -4'? Explain.

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Fireballs is a meteor with a magnitude greater than -4


As we know that 'greater' is same as 'bigger', and 'less' same as 'smaller'

So, from the description of fireballs :

When their magnitude is as bright or brighter than that

When their magnitude is as bright or brighter than thatof Venus (-4), meteors are called 'fireballs'.

Brighter is same as 'greater', because the meteor's more shining than Venus. It will have a greater magnitude than -4.

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Last Update: Tue, 29 Nov 22