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Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Simple Algebraic Equation

A simple algebraic equation contains a single variable (usually written as "x" or any alphabetic word)

1. Q: The sum of 20 and twice an unknown number is 70. The unknown number is...


Let the unknown number as "x". So, we can write the equation based on the problem:

\boxed{20 + 2x = 70}

Find the value of "x" using algebraic operation

20 + 2x = 70\\2x = 70 - 20\\2x = 50\\x = 25

Hence, the value of the unknown number is 25

2. Q: A string of length 120 cm is cut into 2 pieces. One piece is 30 cm shorter than the other. The length of the longer piece is


Let the longer piece as "x". So, we can write the equation based on the problem:

\boxed{120 = x + (x - 30)}

Find the value of "x" using algebraic operation

120 = x + x - 30\\120 = 2x - 30\\120 + 30 = 2x\\150 = 2x\\x = 75

Hence the length of the other piece is 75 cm

3. Q: In a bus of 54 passengers, the number of adults is 5 times the number of children. Find the number of the adults


Let the number of children as "x". So, we can write the equation based on the problem:

\boxed{54 = x + 5x}

Find the value of "x" using algebraic operation

54 = x + 5x\\54 = 6x\\x = 9

The number of children is 9. Hence, there are 45 adults (from 9 × 5)

4. Q: Wire A is w m long. Wire B is twice as long as Wire A. Wire C is 3 m shorter than Wire B. If the total length of the three wires is 32 m, how long is Wire A?


Let the length of wire A as "w", So..

A = w m

B = 2w m

C = 2w - 3 m

*) m stand for "meter"

So, we can write the equation based on the problem

\boxed{32 = w + 2w + (2w - 3)}

To find the value of "w", use algebraic operation

32 = w + 2w + (2w - 3)\\32 = 3w + (2w - 3)\\32 = 3w + 2w - 3\\32 = 5w - 3\\32 + 3 = 5w\\35 = 5w\\w = 7

Hence, the length of wire A is 7 meter

5. Q: There are x people on the train. At the next station, 37 people get off and 12 people get on. How many people are on the train now in terms of x?


Let the people on the train as "x", so the equation to find the amount of people on that problem is

x - 37 + 12\\x - 25

Hence, there are x - 25 people onboard right now



Subjects: Mathematics

Topic: Algebra

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Last Update: Sun, 09 Oct 22