6 Yogyakarta is one of the most famous cities in

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6 Yogyakarta is one of the most famous cities in Java. It is also one of the most interesting cities in Indonesia. It is well-known across Indonesia as the city of culture and the city of education. It has a reputation for attracting artists and intellectuals who flock here to enjoy the arts and the culture, also to study at some good universities. The city is also notable in Indonesia as it is technically a sultanate. As a result, many of Yogyakarta's attractions relate to the royals. Visitors will also find a wealth of museums here as well as workshops and handicraft shops. Write down three verbal sentences in this paragraph 1.... 2. ... 3....​

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Yogyakarta is one of the most famous cities in Java. It is also one of the most interesting cities in Indonesia. It is well-known across Indonesia as the city of culture and the city of education. It has a reputation for attracting artists and intellectuals who flock here to enjoy the arts and the culture, also to study at some good universities. The city is also notable in Indonesia as it is technically a sultanate. As a result, many of Yogyakarta's attractions relate to the royals. Visitors will also find a wealth of museums here as well as workshops and handicraft shops.


verbal sentences = kalimat yg mengandung kata kerja

subject + verb + object

contoh you play basketball, I do homework, I wake up

has = have = verb, relate = verb, find = verb


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Last Update: Wed, 13 Apr 22