The ratio of the number of goldfish to the number

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari VanesaKusuma9064 pada mata pelajaran Matematika untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

The ratio of the number of goldfish to the number of angelfish in a pet shop was 5: 6. After 30 goldfish were sold, the ratio of the number of goldfish to the number of angelfish becomes 1: 2. How many goldfish and angelfish were there altogether in the shop at first?

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Let's start by assigning variables to represent the number of goldfish and angelfish in the pet shop. Let x be the common multiple between 5 and 6, and let 5k and 6k be the initial numbers of goldfish and angelfish, respectively.

So, we have:

- Number of goldfish = 5k

- Number of angelfish = 6k

- x = LCM(5, 6) = 30

After 30 goldfish were sold, the new number of goldfish is (5k - 30), and the number of angelfish remains the same (6k). The ratio of goldfish to angelfish is now 1:2, so we can write:

(5k - 30)/(6k) = 1/2

To solve for k, we can cross-multiply and simplify:

10k - 60 = 6k

4k = 60

k = 15

Therefore, the initial number of goldfish and angelfish were:

- Number of goldfish = 5k = 5(15) = 75

- Number of angelfish = 6k = 6(15) = 90

So, there were 75 + 90 = 165 goldfish and angelfish altogether in the shop at first.

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Last Update: Sun, 23 Jul 23