Fill the blanks by changing the words in the brackets!

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari aliatasha pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Fill the blanks by changing the words in the brackets! You may need the negative form, sobe carefull

1 If vou……(feelinq/not) so sick, I….(invite) you to go to a movie.

2. If you…..(coughing) less, you….(stop) taking the medicine
that makes you sleepy. (present/present)

3 If you…..(eating) right, your immune system……..(be) stronger.

4. If you……(blowing/not) your nose so much, it…… (get/not) so
red. (past/past)

5. If I……(be/not) your true friend, I…….(give/not) you a hug.

6. If you……(call/not) me, you…(enjoying/not) my homemade

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. If you are not feeling so sick, I will invite you to go to a movie. (present/present)
  2. If you were coughing less, you would stop taking the medicine that makes you sleepy. (present/present)
  3. If you had eaten right, your immune system would be stronger. (past/present)
  4. If you had not been blowing your nose so much, it would not have gotten so red. (past/past)
  5. If I had been your true friend, I would have given you a hug. (present/past)
  6. If you had called me, you would be enjoying my homemade... (past/present) [the second blank is incomplete]


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Last Update: Fri, 19 May 23