1. She is 180 centimeters. Mira is 150 centimeters. She is

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari lathifahifah033 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1. She is 180 centimeters. Mira is 150 centimeters. She is … than Mita. *a. Tall
b. Taller
c. Tallest
d. Smaller

2. Yanti got 90 in biology Sinta got 85 in biology. Yanti is ..than her sister. *
a. smart
b. smarter
c. smartest
d. bad

3. Jakarta is the….. of all cities. *
a. Crowded
b. Most crowded
c. More crowded
d. silent

4. Cika waode is an artist. Barbie is an artist. Ayu ting is an artist. Ayu ting ting.is the…..of them. *
a. More famous
b. Famous
c. Most famous
d. Shy

5. Ampera bridge is the…(long) river in Indonesia. *
a. Long
b. Longer
c. Longest
d. Little

6. Getuk is popular food. Meat ball is popular food. Rendang is the…,., of all. *
a. More popular
b. Most popular
c. Popular
d. bitter

7. My bag is 150,000 . Your bag is 200.000. Your bag is……than my bag. *
a. More expensive
b. Most expensive
c. Expensive
d. Cheap

8. Inggris is difficult lesson. Mathematics is difficult lesson. Mathematics is……than Inggris *
a. Difficult
b. More dificulit
c. Most difficult
d. easy

9. Is Reok the ……interesting dancing in Java *
a. More
b. Most
c. Least
d. Little

10. Your story book is the…book of all. *
a. Best
b. Better
c. Thick
d. good

bantu ya kak

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. C. Tallest

2. B. Smarter

3. B. Most crowded

4. A. more famous

5. C. Longest

6. A. More popular

7. A. More expensive

8. B. More difficult

9. B. Most

10. A. Best

Sorry if it's wrong ʕ•̀ω•́ʔ✧

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Last Update: Sun, 16 May 21