Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Ferdinand612 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas
contoh kalimat due to the fact that, owing to the fact that, whereas, as long as, in so far as, in spite of, despite of the fact that, nevertheless, however. Masing-masing 2!
Jawaban dan Penjelasan
Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.
Kelas: SMA
Pelajaran: English
Kategori: clause of reason, contrast and concession
- I left their WA group due to the fact that they often posts something unnecessary.
- They joined the army due to the fact that their friends had been at war earlier.
- She's here owing to the fact that she's been involved in a bank robbery.
- I won't tell her owing to the fact that she's been really moody lately.
- Karen is quite talented in art whereas her twin sister, Kate is more of a science girl.
- Spain just won the match last night whereas England couldn't win.
- I'll be here as long as you need.
- She's not coming as long as that guy is still her at the party.
- Football, in so far as it concerns has been the most popular sport in the world.
- Her illness in so far as it concerns, is in need of certain treatment.
- In spite of being a douche, he's a very smart dude.
- He couldn't continue the game in spite of having a less serious injury than his teammate.
- I could see it from afar despite the fact that it was very cloudy.
- The plane managed to land safely despite the fact that its machine was broken.
- I may not be the best one. Nevertheless, I won the gold medal.
- She is not that attractive. Nevertheless, a lot of men fall for her.
- She's badly injured. However, she still insists on playing on the field.
- They have been here waiting for the director. However, the director hasn't arrived yet this late afternoon.
Pelajaran: English
Kategori: clause of reason, contrast and concession
- I left their WA group due to the fact that they often posts something unnecessary.
- They joined the army due to the fact that their friends had been at war earlier.
- She's here owing to the fact that she's been involved in a bank robbery.
- I won't tell her owing to the fact that she's been really moody lately.
- Karen is quite talented in art whereas her twin sister, Kate is more of a science girl.
- Spain just won the match last night whereas England couldn't win.
- I'll be here as long as you need.
- She's not coming as long as that guy is still her at the party.
- Football, in so far as it concerns has been the most popular sport in the world.
- Her illness in so far as it concerns, is in need of certain treatment.
- In spite of being a douche, he's a very smart dude.
- He couldn't continue the game in spite of having a less serious injury than his teammate.
- I could see it from afar despite the fact that it was very cloudy.
- The plane managed to land safely despite the fact that its machine was broken.
- I may not be the best one. Nevertheless, I won the gold medal.
- She is not that attractive. Nevertheless, a lot of men fall for her.
- She's badly injured. However, she still insists on playing on the field.
- They have been here waiting for the director. However, the director hasn't arrived yet this late afternoon.
Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh MRWAR dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.
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Last Update: Wed, 14 Feb 18