ExampleParagraph identificationI live with my Dad His name is TommyParagraph

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari sovia0415 pada mata pelajaran Matematika untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

ExampleParagraph identification
I live with my Dad His name is Tommy
Paragraph Desdription
My dad is big. He has spiky, black hair and a moustache My dad has a big dark eyes His hobby is playing
football. My dad is a great football player He runs very fast I love him.
Task (tugas)!
Complete the text with words provided!
My name is Rehan Chairul Alam. I'm a student at SMP Bintang Nusantara. I'm in ninth grade now. 1(1)
hard every day. I start my day at 04.30 am. I have a bath and say my prayers. Then, i study for an hour. After
that, I (2) breakfast and go to school. I always arrive at school early 1(3)...to be late. I usually finish
school at 2 pm. Then, I usually have courses in the afternoon. I take English and math courses. I also (4)
manga course because I like drawing. Mother sends me to a guitar course. She (5) that playing music is good
to relax my mind. I watch TV at 6 pm. At 7 pm I turn off the TV and I start to do my homework
Don't want

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. study

2. take

3. don't want

4. have

5. think

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Last Update: Sat, 24 Jul 21