Complete the following text with the correct verbs in simple

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari syarifahnisa2110 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Complete the following text with the correct verbs in simple past tense or past perfect tense!Once, there 1) (be)
a beautiful and capable young woman who had no interest
in her many suitors. Then a stranger 2) (come)
to the village and began to teach the
people and to help them in such everyday tasks as making hunting bows and carrying water from
the stream. The young man 3) (end)
each lesson by reminding the people to honor all
things, both great and small.
Intrigued by this mysterious visitor, the young woman 4) (follow)
him out of the
village. At the edge of the woods, the man jumped through four hoops and 5) (change)
into an antelope. The woman, too, went through the hoops and was transformed. Living among the
antelope people, the woman continued to find many more reasons why it is important to honor all that
nature provides. She 6) (wish)
to return to her human family and shared her knowledge
with them. The man agreed to go with her, and they 7) (return)
to their human form as
they leaped through the hoops and went back to the village.
The young couple 8) (marry)
the man continued his teaching, and in time the
woman gave birth to twins. But among the Apache of that time, twins were not accepted into the
community, and the young family was shunned. The man convinced the wife that they must return
to the antelope people because they 9) (learn)
how to honor the family and all things
great and small. The wife, her husband, and her children 10) (leave)
the village, passed
through the hoops, and were never seen again.
Since that time, the Apache have learned to honor all things in nature. In particular, they do
not hunt or kill the antelope, for among them are the Antelope woman and her children, who are part
of human life.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Once, there 1) was a beautiful and capable young woman who had no interest in her many suitors. Then a stranger 2) came to the village and began to teach the people and to help them in such everyday tasks as making hunting bows and carrying water from

the stream. The young man 3) had end each lesson by reminding the people to honor all things, both great and small.

Intrigued by this mysterious visitor, the young woman 4) followed him out of the village. At the edge of the woods, the man jumped through four hoops and 5) changed into an antelope. The woman, too, went through the hoops and was transformed. Living among the antelope people, the woman continued to find many more reasons why it is important to honor all that

nature provides. She 6) wished to return to her human family and shared her knowledge with them. The man agreed to go with her, and they 7) returned to their human form as they leaped through the hoops and went back to the village.

The young couple 8) married

the man continued his teaching, and in time the

woman gave birth to twins. But among the Apache of that time, twins were not accepted into the

community, and the young family was shunned. The man convinced the wife that they must return

to the antelope people because they 9) had learnt how to honor the family and all things great and small. The wife, her husband, and her children 10) left

the village, passed through the hoops, and were never seen again.

Since that time, the Apache have learned to honor all things in nature. In particular, they do

not hunt or kill the antelope, for among them are the Antelope woman and her children, who are part

of human life.

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh natalia22611 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Mon, 31 May 21