Asha, Ben and Kemal shares $640 in the ratio 8

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Asha, Ben and Kemal shares $640 in the ratio 8 : 15 : 9. Ben spends 3/5 of his share on computer and 1/3 of the remaining on clothes. How much is left on his share?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Ben's share that is left is $80.

More Explanation

Ratio is a relationship of two quantities, usually expressed as quotient of one divided by the other.

The ratio is usually expressed as a fraction.


  • Total money of Ashan, Ben, and Kemal = $640
  • ratio of each of their money = 8 : 15 : 9
  • Ben spends 3/5 of his share on computer
  • Ben uses 1/3 of the remaining on clothes


Ben's share that is left = . . . . ?


Given that Ben's share is 15 out of 32 ratio.

First, find the amount of Ben's share.

\tt Ben's\:\:share = \tt \dfrac {15}{8 + 15 + 9} \times 640

\tt Ben's\:\:share = \tt \dfrac {15}{32} \times 640

Ben's share = $300

Next, find the amount of share used on computer.

\tt amount\:\:of\:\:share\:\:used = \tt \dfrac {3}{5} \times 300

amount of share used = $180.

So, the remaining share = $300 - $180 = $120

Next, find the \tt \dfrac {1}{3} of remaining, which is $120, on clothes.

\tt amount\:\:of\:\:share\:\:used = \tt \dfrac {1}{3} \times 120

amount of share used = $40

Amount of share left = $120 - $40 = $80

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Detail Answer:

Subject : Math

Class : VI

Chapter : Ratio and Fraction

Code : 6.2.9

Key Words : ratio, shares, remaining, how much left

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Last Update: Thu, 20 Jan 22