19. A cube has sides 2√3 m, then the length

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari RANDI8181yahoocom pada mata pelajaran Matematika untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

19. A cube has sides 2√3 m, then the length of its diagonal is .... * 3 Point

Your answer​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

A cube has sides 2√3 m, then the length of its diagonal is 6 Meters


Cubes are flat-sided shapes in the form of dice, rubik's cube, and cardboard.

Characteristics of building a cube space:

  1. Have 6 side
  2. 12 ribs
  3. Has 8 vertices


The formula for the surface area of a cube:

\boxed{\sf l = 6 \times {s}^{2}}

Information :

S = Cube rib

The formula for the volume of a cube:

\boxed{\sf v = s \times s \times s \: \: or \: {s}^{3}}

Information :

V = Volume

S = Rib of Cube

The length of the diagonal of the room:

\boxed{\sf dr = s \sqrt{3}}

The length of the diagonal of the plane:

\boxed{\sf db = s \sqrt{2}}

Problem Solving:

\boxed{\red{\sf panjang \: diagonal = s \sqrt{3}}}

panjang \: diagonal = 2 \sqrt{3} \times \sqrt{3}

panjan \: diagonal = \sqrt{12} \times \sqrt{3}

panjang \: diagonal = \sqrt{36}

\boxed{panjang \: diagonal = 6 \: meter}


A cube has sides 2√3 m, then the length of its diagonal is 6 Meters


Answer Details

Subject: Mathematics

Class : 8 Middle School

Category :Volume of flat-sided building

Question code: 2

Category code : 8.2.8

Keywords: Diagonal length of Cube

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Last Update: Tue, 19 Oct 21