Hi everyone, welcome back to my live broadcast, Dion’s channel.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari taufiqqurahman680 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Hi everyone, welcome back to my live broadcast, Dion’s channel. Now I 1)_______________ outside because it 2)_______________ heavily. You know guys, I am not alone now, as you see behind me. I am with my little brother. My little brother, Dandy 3)_______________ to himself in English in front of the mirror in our bedroom as you can see now. Sometimes he 4)_______________ his English speaking skill by talking with Comcom our little black cat but now it 5)_______________ that our little Comcom is not at home. I guess ‘he’ 6)_______________ in the house next to ours. That is because of the heavy rains of course. At this hour, maybe ‘he’ 7)_______________ with an otter staying in the neighbour’s house. I know that because we have strong bond and telepathy.Anyway guys, tomorrow will be weekend again. Time 8)_______________ so fast ya. On the weekend, Dandy and I usually 9)_______________ to the swimming pool. He always 10)_______________ a dictionary and 11)_______________ it in the break time of swimming exercise. Yups, you are right, Dandy is a swimming athlete as well as a year-one campus student of English Literature. He 12)_______________ for exercises while I 13)_______________ that for hobby and health.
Dan, 14)_______________ speaking in front of that mirror. Get here, there is a regard from one of my friends. He 15)_______________ that he is going to speak English with you later. Okay guys, it 16)_______________ that I have to go to the kitchen because as you hear, my mom 17)_______________ me now. You know, now actually is already my 18)______________, I mean it is my turn to wash the 19)_______________ . Dandy, go on with this broadcast. I 20)_______________ now. Bye guys.
1. *
a. don’t be going
b. am not going
c. am not being going
d. have been
e. am
2. *
a. has been raining
b. rain
c. is being raining
d. has been rained
e. is raining
3. *
a. talk
b. talks
c. is being talked
d. is talking
e. is being talking
4. *
a. is improving
b. improve
c. improves
d. is improved
e. is being improved
5. *
a. looks as if
b. appear
c. seem
d. seems
e. is seeming
6. *
a. is trapping
b. is being trapped
c. traps
d. trap
e. is being trapping
7. *
a. is playing
b. play
c. plays
d. is played
e. is being played
8. *
a. is going
b. is running
c. run
d. goes
e. go
9. *
a. gets to
b. are getting to
c. are going
d. go
e. goes
10. *
a. is taking
b. take
c. brings
d. bring
e. is bringing
11. *
a. is reading
b. use
c. reads
d. read
e. is using
12. *
a. do
b. is practicing
c. practice
d. is swimming
e. swims
13. *
a. am doing
b. practices
c. do
d. am practicing
e. am doing
14. *
a. do you finish
b. are you finishing
c. have you finished
d. are you finished
e. did you finish
15. *
a. writing
b. write
c. text
d. was texting
e. writes
16. *
a. is appearing
b. appear
c. seem
d. seems
e. is seeming
17. *
a. is calling
b. call
c. calls
d. yell
e. yells
a. washing
b. time wash
c. time washing
d. washing time
e. wash time
a. plate
b. dish
c. plate and glass
d. dishes
e. the dirty plate
a. move
b. am leaving
c. go
d. leave
e. am moving
21. Brother >< SisterNephew ><__________
a. Mother
b. Daughter
c. Cousin
d. Niece
e. Son
22. I have two__________, their names are Sheila and Steffany.
a. brother
b. sister
c. siblings
d. brothers
e. cousin
23. Wife - WivesChild -__________
a. Childs
b. Children
c. Childhoods
d. Childrens
e. Childish
24. Brian: Hello James. How many sisters do you have?James: I have _____________ sister.
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four
e. five
25. David: Does your father work at Kennedy Hospital?Mike : No, my father _____________ at Kennedy Hospital, but in Happy-ending Hospital.
a. isn’t working
b. doesn’t work
c. doesn’t works
d. don’t work
e. don’t works

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. B

2. A

3. E

4. D


Maaf cuman bisa bantu sampe segitu

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Last Update: Mon, 10 Jan 22