Read the following text and answer the question completely. My Amazing

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari daffaadnan2801 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Read the following text and answer the question completely.My Amazing Vacation

I had an amazing vacation on the previous holiday. I went ti The Dunia Fantasi
Ancol with my family. I felt so excited because it’s the first vacation that I want
to Dufan.
I saw many games there like roller coaster, bianglala, hysteria, carrosel, and
many more. I tried some games like bianglala, carrosal, and went to the ghost
tunnel. Then, my sisters and I tried cable car. I saw a beautiful scenery, and
overall vehicle can be looked from there on the cable car. Of course, my sisters
and I took a picture, too.
We played around in the beach to see the sunset. The sunset looked so
beautiful. It was my first experience to see sunset on the beach. Then, we had
dinner in a small restaurant in foreshore. We ate fried fish, grilled crab, and a
delicious cake for dessert.
Finally, we came back home on midnight. I felt very tired but it was fun. It
was my best experience in my life. I was very satisfied having a vacation to the
Dunia Fantasi Ancol.
Questions :
1. When did the story happen?
2. How many games were there?
3. How many games did the writer try there?
4. How was the sunset on Ancol Beach?
5. What is the writer’s impression about his experience?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

[Reading Comprehension]

  1. The story happened on the writer's previous holiday.
  2. There were many games.
  3. The writer tried some games like bianglala, carousel, the ghost tunnel, and cable car.
  4. The sunset looked so beautiful.
  5. It was the best experience because the writer was very satisfied having a vacation to the Dunia Fantasi Ancol.



❛ My Amazing Vacation ❜

I had an amazing vacation on the previous holiday. I went to The Dunia Fantasi Ancol with my family. I felt so excited because it’s the first vacation that I want to Dufan.

I saw many games there like roller coaster, bianglala, hysteria, carousel, and many more. I tried some games like bianglala, carousel, and went to the ghost tunnel. Then, my sisters and I tried cable car.

I saw a beautiful scenery, and overall vehicle can be looked from there on the cable car. Of course, my sisters and I took a picture, too. We played around in the beach to see the sunset. The sunset looked so beautiful. It was my first experience to see sunset on the beach. Then, we had dinner in a small restaurant in foreshore. We ate fried fish, grilled crab, and a delicious cake for dessert.

Finally, we came back home on midnight. I felt very tired but it was fun. It was my best experience in my life. I was very satisfied having a vacation to the Dunia Fantasi Ancol.



↪Number 1

Kapan cerita tersebut terjadi?

  • Jawaban ada pada teks:

I had an amazing vacation on the previous holiday. I went to The Dunia Fantasi Ancol with my family. I felt so excited because it’s the first vacation that I want to Dufan.


The story happened on the writer's previous holiday.

  • Cerita tersebut terjadi saat liburan penulis yang sebelumnya.

↪Number 2

Ada berapa banyak permainan di sana?

  • Jawaban ada pada teks:

I saw many games there like roller coaster, bianglala, hysteria, carousel, and many more. I tried some games like bianglala, carousel, and went to the ghost tunnel. Then, my sisters and I tried cable car.


There were many games.

  • Di sana ada banyak permainan.

↪Number 3

Apa saja wahana permainan yang dicoba oleh penulis?

  • Jawaban ada pada teks:

I saw many games there like roller coaster, bianglala, hysteria, carousel, and many more. I tried some games like bianglala, carousel, and went to the ghost tunnel. Then, my sisters and I tried cable car.


The writer tried some games like bianglala, carrousal, the ghost tunnel, and cable car.

  • Penulis mencoba beberapa wahana seperti bianglala, komedi putar, terowongan hantu, dan kereta gantung.

↪Number 4

Bagaimana pemandangan matahari terbenam di sana?

  • Jawaban ada pada teks:

We played around in the beach to see the sunset. The sunset looked so beautiful.


The sunset looked so beautiful.

  • Pemandangan matahari terbenam di sana sangat indah.

↪Number 5

Apa kesan penulis terhadap pengalamannya ke Dufan?

  • Jawaban ada pada teks:

I felt very tired but it was fun. It was my best experience in my life. I was very satisfied having a vacation to the Dunia Fantasi Ancol.


It was the best experience because the writer was very satisfied having a vacation to the Dunia Fantasi Ancol.

  • Itu merupakan pengalaman yang terbaik bagi penulis karena dia merasa sangat puas saat berlibur ke Dufan.


:: semoga membantu ::


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Reading Comprehension



Grade: 8

Subject: English

Chapter: Reading

Categorization code: 8.5.12

Keywords: Reading, vacation, previous holiday, Dufan

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Last Update: Sun, 04 Jul 21