make an equation of the line that has a gradient

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Make an equation of the line that has a gradient in the middle and through (3,-4)

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

The equation of the line that has a gradient in the middle and through (3 , -4) is y = \tt - \dfrac {4}{3} x

More Explanation :

Gradient is a straight line that shows how steep the straight line is. The gradient is usually symbolized as m.

Gradient formula :

• through one coordinate, m = \tt \dfrac {y}{x}

• through two coordinates, m = \tt \dfrac {y_2 - y_1}{x_2 - x_1}

Equation of a straight line that has a gradient formula :

• through one coordinate, \tt y - y_1 = m\ (x - x_1)

• through two coordinates, \tt \dfrac {y - y_1}{y_2 - y_1} = \dfrac {x - x_1}{x_2 - x_1}

• through two parallel lines, \tt m_1 = m_2

• through two perpendicular lines, \tt m_1 \times m_2 = -1

To be known :

a line has a gradient in the middle and through (3 , -4)

To be asked :

The equation of the line = . . . . ?

To be answered :

Because the straight line is through one coordinate,

m = \tt \dfrac {y}{x}

m = \tt - \dfrac {4}{3}

Equation :

\tt y - y_1 = m(x - x_1)

y - (-4) = \tt - \dfrac {4}{3} (x - 3)

y + 4 = \tt - \dfrac {4}{3} x - \dfrac {4}{3} \times -3

y + 4 = \tt - \dfrac {4}{3} x + 4

y = \tt - \dfrac {4}{3} x + 4 - 4

y = \tt - \dfrac {4}{3} x

Conclusion :

The equation of the line that has a gradient in the middle and through (3 , -4) is y = \tt - \dfrac {4}{3} x

Learn More :

Detail :

Subject : Math

Class : VIII (National School) or IX (Integrated School)

Chapter : Straight Lines Equation

Code :

Key Words : gradient, straight lines, equation

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Last Update: Thu, 06 Jan 22