Q.12³ =76 + 23 = [tex]no \: calculator[/tex]​

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12³ =
76 + 23 =
no \: calculator

Q.12³ =76 + 23 = [tex]no \: calculator[/tex]​

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= 12³

= (12 × 12 × 12)

= (144 × 12)

= 1.728

so the result of the statement is 1.728

  • Explanation and steps are in the attachment!

= 76 + 23

= 99

so the result of the statement is 99

  • Explanation and steps are in the attachment!

Learn More

Hey Brainly users, here you can understand the concept of mixed arithmetic operations . Have a good study!


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Math_____________________Hey Brainly users! we will solve your question immediately, Happy Learning at your home!______________Completion!= 12³= (12 × 12 × 12)= (144 × 12)= 1.728so the result of the statement is 1.728Explanation and steps are in the attachment!= 76 + 23= 99so the result of the statement is 99Explanation and steps are in the attachment!Learn MoreHey Brainly users, here you can understand the concept of mixed arithmetic operations . Have a good study!https://brainly.co.id/tugas/11185968?utm_source=android&utm_medium=share&utm_campaign=questionIf this is very helpful, thank you, we are happy to help you!

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Last Update: Tue, 15 Mar 22