1. The diagram below shows the Plan of a hall.a)The

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari syiqin07 pada mata pelajaran Matematika untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. The diagram below shows the Plan of a hall.a)The width fo the drawn hall is 4cm.Find the scale of the drawing.
b) A piece of carpet with a perimeter of 45m is spread on the floor,starting from the entrance to the front of the stage.Calculate the area in m²,the floor that is not covered with the carpet

Someone please help me.i need it now
Thank you​
1. The diagram below shows the Plan of a hall.a)The width fo the drawn hall is 4cm.Find the scale of the drawing. b) A piece of carpet with a perimeter of 45m is spread on the floor,starting from the entrance to the front of the stage.Calculate the area in m²,the floor that is not covered with the carpetSomeone please help me.i need it nowThank you​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

a). scale \\ drawn \: width \div actual \: width \\ 4 \: cm \div 1.000 \: cm \\ 1 \div 250 \\ \\ b).p = 2(l + w) \\ 45 = 2(20 + w) \\ 22,5 = 20 + w \\ 22,5 - 20 = w \\ w = 2,5 \\ \\ carpet \: area \\ length \times width \\ 20 \times 2,5 \\ 50 \\ \\ not \: covered \: area \\ 20(10 - 2,5) \\ 20(7,5) \\ 150 \: {m}^{2}

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Last Update: Thu, 29 Sep 22