TOLONG JAWAB YA1. The mean score for boys and girls

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari keana1907080 pada mata pelajaran Matematika untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

TOLONG JAWAB YA1. The mean score for boys and girls respectively 5 and 7. If the class
mean score was 6.2. Determine the ratio of the number of boys and
girls in the class.
2. The mean age of teachers and professors groups was 40 years. If
the mean age of teachers group was 35 years, while the mean age of
the professors group was 50 years. Determine the ratio of the
number of teachers and professors.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1). \frac{5b + 7g}{b + g} =6.2 \\ 5b + 7g = 6.2(b + g) \\ 5b + 7g = 6.2b + 6.2g \\ 7g - 6.2g = 6.2b - 5b \\ 0.8g = 1.2b \\ 2g = 3b \\ \frac{2}{3} g = b \\ boys \div girls \\ 2 \div 3 \\ \\ 2). \frac{35t + 50p}{t + p} = 40 \\ 35t + 50p = 40(t + p) \\ 35t + 50p = 40t + 40p \\ 50p - 40p = 40t - 35t \\ 10p = 5t \\ \frac{10}{5}p = t \\ \frac{2}{1} p = t \\ teachers \div professors \\2 \div 1

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Last Update: Sat, 04 Jun 22