Ulfa Ula following dialog for questions number 6 to 10.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dimasprayoga2398 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Ulfa Ula following dialog for questions number 6 to 10. HI Hanini What does your mother do every day? She is a food seller in a traditional market Does she have a food stall? Yes, she has. She has a food stall in Jaya Market Ulla By the way, what does she sell? Hanin: She sells meatball and chicken noodle Ulfa : Wow! Sounds great! Hanin : Yeah. You should come to my mother's stall and try it. You can choose meatball or chick noodlo. Both are really delicious. Ulla Of course. One day I will visit it usually go to Jaya Traditional Market on Sundays Hanin : Greath I often help my mother at the stall on Sundays. Questions: 6. Who are involved in the dialog above? Answer: ..... 7. Who works in market? Answer: 8. What kind of food does she sell? Answer: ......... 9. What does frequently Ulfa do on Sundays? Answer:​

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i don't no brother sorry

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Last Update: Sat, 04 Jun 22