Ruth had 6 liters 450 milliliters of lemonade. She

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Ruth had 6 liters 450 milliliters of lemonade. She poured an equal amount of lemonade into 5 bottles. How much lemonade did Ruth pour into each bottle?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Jawab:Ruth had a total of 6 liters 450 milliliters of lemonade. She poured an equal amount of lemonade into 5 bottles. To find out how much lemonade Ruth poured into each bottle, we need to divide the total amount of lemonade by the number of bottles.

First, we need to convert 6 liters 450 milliliters to milliliters. There are 1000 milliliters in 1 liter, so we can convert 6 liters to milliliters by multiplying 6 by 1000, which gives us 6000 milliliters. Then, we add 450 milliliters to get a total of 6450 milliliters.

To find out how much lemonade Ruth poured into each bottle, we divide the total amount of lemonade by the number of bottles:

6450 milliliters ÷ 5 = 1290 milliliters per bottle

Therefore, Ruth poured 1290 milliliters of lemonade into each bottle.

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Last Update: Sat, 01 Jul 23