3. √54+14/5 + 12-2/35+ √32-10/7 =​

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3. √54+14/5 + 12-2/35+ √32-10/7 =​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Let's break down the expression step by step:

√54 can be simplified as √(9 * 6), which is equal to 3√6.

14/5 is already in its simplified form.

√32 can be simplified as √(16 * 2), which is equal to 4√2.

-2/35 is already in its simplified form.

-10/7 is already in its simplified form.

Now, let's substitute these simplified values into the expression:

3√6 + 14/5 + 12 - 2/35 + 4√2 - 10/7

Next, we can add the like terms:

3√6 + 4√2 + 14/5 - 2/35 - 10/7 + 12

To combine the fractions, we need a common denominator:

The common denominator for 5, 35, and 7 is 5 * 35 * 7 = 1225.

Now, let's rewrite the expression with the common denominator:

3√6 + 4√2 + (14 * 7)/(5 * 7) - (2 * 35)/(35 * 1) - (10 * 5 * 35)/(7 * 5 * 35) + 12

Simplifying the fractions:

3√6 + 4√2 + 98/35 - 70/35 - 1750/245 + 12

Combining the fractions:

3√6 + 4√2 + 28/35 - 2 - 1750/245 + 12

Now, let's simplify the remaining fractions:

28/35 simplifies to 4/5.

1750/245 simplifies to 14/2 or 7.

Substituting these values into the expression:

3√6 + 4√2 + 4/5 - 2 - 7 + 12

Now, let's combine the like terms:

3√6 + 4√2 + 4/5 - 2 - 7 + 12 = 3√6 + 4√2 + 17/5 + 3

Therefore, the simplified value of the expression √54 + 14/5 + 12 - 2/35 + √32 - 10/7 is 3√6 + 4√2 + 17/5 + 3.

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Last Update: Tue, 29 Aug 23