The present population of a certain city is 66,550.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari craft6259 pada mata pelajaran Matematika untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

The present population of a certain city is 66,550. If 3 years ago, the population of the city was 50,000, find the annual population growth rate. ​

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To find the annual population growth rate, we need to determine the difference in population between the current population and the population 3 years ago, and divide that number by the number of years that have passed. Then, we need to divide that number by the initial population and multiply by 100% to express the result as a percentage.

The difference in population between the current population and the population 3 years ago is 66,550 - 50,000 = 16,550.

The annual population growth rate is (16,550 / 3) / 50,000 * 100% = 5.5%. This means that the population of the city is increasing by 5.5% per year.

mohon bantuannya jadikan jawaban cerdas yaaa

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Last Update: Sat, 01 Apr 23