While fats have lately acquired a bad image, one should

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While fats have lately acquired a bad image, one should not forget how essential they are. Fats provide the body’s best means of storing energy, far more efficient energy sources than either carbohydrates or proteins. They act as insulation against cold, as cushioning for the internal organs, and as lubricants. Without fats, there would be no way to utilize fat-soluble vitamins. Furthermore, some fats contain fatty acids that contain necessary growth factors and help with the digestion of other foods. As important consideration of fat intake is the ratio of saturated fats to unsaturated fats. Saturated fats, which are derived from dairy products, animal fats, and tropical oils, increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Cholesterol may lead to coronary heart disease by building up in the arteries of the heart. However, unsaturated fats, derived from vegetable oils, tend to lower serum cholesterol if taken in a proportion twice that of saturated fats. The consumption of a variety of fats is necessary, but the intake of too much fat may lead to a variety of health problems. Excessive intake of fats, like all nutritional excesses, is to be avoided

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The summary of the above text is about the facts of fats. While fats have recently received a bad rap, it is important to remember how important they are. Consuming a variety of fats is necessary, but eating too much fat can lead to a number of health problems. Excessive fat consumption, like all nutritional excesses, should be avoided.


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Last Update: Thu, 30 Mar 23