To know the employability of UNIKL graduates in the job

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To know the employability of UNIKL graduates in the job market, the university conducted a study on 150 UNIKL alumni on their waiting time to get a job. the result indicates that on average the graduates waited for 8 months to get a job. What is the statistic of this study?​

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The average waiting time of 8 months is the statistic of this study. It summarizes the waiting time of 150 UNIKL alumni to get a job. This statistic is used to represent the employability of UNIKL graduates in the job market and provide a general idea of the time it takes for the graduates to find a job. However, it's important to note that the average waiting time of 8 months may not represent the waiting time for each individual graduate and there could be variations among the 150 alumni.

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Last Update: Sat, 13 May 23