35% of the passengers on a cruise ship are children.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari lehcarinsbyoz1b7c pada mata pelajaran Matematika untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

35% of the passengers on a cruise ship are children. The rest are adults.There are between 120 and 180 adults on the cruise ship. Suggest how many adults and how many children there could be on the cruise ship.

*minta jawaban matematikanya ya, bukan terjemahannya

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Answer :

If 35% of the total cruise ship passengers are children, then the rest are adults. If the number of adults on the cruise lies between 120 and 180 people, then we can suggest several possible numbers of adults and children on the cruise.

For example, if the number of adults on the cruise is 120 people, then the number of children on the cruise is 35/100 x 120 = 42 people. So, there were 120 adults and 42 children on the cruise.

As another example, if the number of adults on the cruise is 180 people, then the number of children on the cruise is 35/100 x 180 = 63 people. So, there were 180 adults and 63 children on the cruise.

Thus, there are several possible numbers of adults and children on the cruise ship, namely 120 adults and 42 children, or 180 adults and 63 children.

Hope this helps!

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Last Update: Sun, 26 Mar 23