2. Why are trees important to people? Give two reasons.​

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mahsakarimi676 pada mata pelajaran SBMPTN untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

2. Why are trees important to people? Give two reasons.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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here are two reasons why trees are important to people:

1. Trees produce oxygen: Through photosynthesis, trees produce oxygen which is essential for the survival of humans and other living organisms. Inhaling clean air is important to facilitate health and wellness.

2. Trees provide resources: Trees provide various resources such as wood, paper, and medicine. They also serve as a source of food for animals, and mankind gets numerous resources from these animals. Furthermore, trees help regulate climate and soil health, positively impacting the ecosystem services.


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Last Update: Sun, 30 Jul 23