Hopper Larvae Hopper Spider Parasitic Honeyeater Wasp Parasitic Wasp Lizard

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Hopper Larvae Hopper Spider Parasitic Honeyeater Wasp Parasitic Wasp Lizard Robin Lizard Robin Snake Native Cat Snake Butcher Bird Butcher Native Cat Bird Adapted from Steve Malcolm Bixhenity is the key to managing environment. The Age. 16 August 1994 "And there is not a single creature that moves on earth except that Allah guarantees its sustenance" (QS. Hud: 6). Based o each living thing has gotten its own food. If in the rice field ecosystem, snake population drop significantly because of hu affected population that experience a dramatic decrease is ... (A) lizard (B) native cat (0) spider (D) butcher bird​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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Hopper Larvae Hopper Spider Parasitic Honeyeater Wasp Parasitic Wasp Lizard Robin Lizard Robin Snake Native Cat Snake Butcher Bird Butcher Native Cat Bird Adapted from Steve Malcolm Bixhenity is the key to managing environment. The Age. 16 August 1994 "And there is not a single creature that moves on earth except that Allah guarantees its sustenance" (QS. Hud: 6). Based o each living thing has gotten its own food. If in the rice field ecosystem, snake population drop significantly because of hu affected population that experience a dramatic decrease is ... (A) lizard (B) native cat (0) spider (D) butcher bird


(D) butcher bird

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Last Update: Tue, 13 Sep 22