A pair of shoes cost $(4x² -9) and a bag

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari devantjdevan5642 pada mata pelajaran Matematika untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

A pair of shoes cost $(4x² -9) and a bag cost $ (2x² - 3x + 5 ). Find the total cost of five such pairs of shoes and four of the bags in terms of x.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

A pair of shoes cost $(4x² -9)anda bag cost $ (2x² - 3x + 5 ). Find the total cost of five such pairs of shoes and four of the bags in terms of x.

The total cost of five such pairs of shoes and four of the bags is $(28x² - 12x - 25).

To solve this problem, you can use multiplication operations in algebra.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


A pair of shoes cost $(4x² -9).

A bag cost $ (2x² - 3x + 5 ).


Find the total cost of five such pairs of shoes and four of the bags in terms of x.


Find the total price for the five shoes.

The total price = The number of shoes × the price for each pair of shoes

The total price = 5 × $(4x² - 9)

The total price = $(20x² - 45)

So, the total price for the five shoes is  $(20x² - 45).

Find the total price for the four bags.

The total price = The number of the bags × the price for each bag

The total price = 4 × $(2x² - 3x + 5 )

The total price = $(8x² - 12x + 20)

So, the total price for the four bags is $(8x² - 12x + 20).

Find the total cost of five such pairs of shoes and four of the bags

The total price = the total price for the five shoes + the total price for the four bags

The total price = $(20x² - 45) + $(8x² - 12x + 20)

The total price = $(20x² + 8x² - 12x - 45 + 20)

The total price = $(28x² - 12x - 25)

So, the total cost of five such pairs of shoes and four of the bags is $(28x² - 12x - 25).

Learn more about

  • the first three terms in geometric progression are (7x-7),(2x + 1),and (x-3) where x is a positive integer.find the value of x and find the sum of the first 5 terms of the progression: yomemimo.com/tugas/15813512



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Last Update: Sun, 20 Nov 22