1). Plums are sold at 6 for $2.50. What is

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari llwsssss pada mata pelajaran Matematika untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1). Plums are sold at 6 for $2.50. What is the number of plums that can be bought with $10 ?12




2). Mrs. Vera used 3/4 of a tub of margarine to bake a cake and 3/4 of the remaining tub of margarine to bake cookies. What fraction of the tub of margarine did she use altogether ?





3). John jogs 360 metres in 6 minutes. How many kilometres can he jog in 1 hour with this speed ?

0.036 km

0.36 km

3.6 km

36 km

4). The scale of a map is 1 : 1.000.000. If the distance between Town A and Town B on the map is 5 cm, so the real distance is ....

0.5 km

5 km

50 km

500 km

5). At a fruit stall, lychees are sold at $2.50 for 200 grams. How much does 5 kg of lychees cost ?





6). To make waffles, Mrs. Stacy mixed sugar, butter and flour in the ratio 2:3:5. If she used 30 grams of sugar, how much flour did she use ?

15 grams

30 grams

45 grams

75 grams

7). Jane bought a watch on sale at Century Store. The original price is $150. After the discount, she just paid $127.50 for the watch. What was the percentage discount on the watch ?





8). Elaine had $180. She donated $81 to charity and spent 75% of the remaining amount on gifts for her brother. What percentage of her money did she donate to charity ?





9). Elaine had $180. She donated $81 to charity and spent 75% of the remaining amount on gifts for her brother. How much did she spend on the gifts ?





10). Van A and Van B travelled at 62 km/h and 56 km/h respectively. Find the difference in distance travelled after 5 hours.

90 km

60 km

40 km

30 km
plss dijawab mau ngumpul prnya

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Last Update: Wed, 18 Aug 21