In a geometric sequence, the sum of the first three

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari yana33168 pada mata pelajaran Matematika untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

In a geometric sequence, the sum of the first three terms is 76/45 and the sum of the next three terms is 608/1215 . Find the common ratio and the first term of the sequence.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

U_1 + U_2 + U_3 = \frac{76}{45}

a+ar+ar^2 = \frac{76}{45}\\

U_4 + U_5 + U_6 = \frac{608}{1215}

ar^3+ar^4+ar^5= \frac{608}{1215}

r^3(a+ar+ar^2)= \frac{608}{1215}

r^3 \cdot \frac{76}{45}= \frac{608}{1215}

r^3 = \frac{608}{1215} \cdot \frac{45}{76}

r^3 = \frac{4\cdot 152}{5\cdot 243} \cdot \frac{5\cdot 9}{4\cdot 19}

r^3 = \frac{152}{243} \cdot \frac{9}{19}

r^3 = \frac{8\cdot 19}{9\cdot 27} \cdot \frac{9}{19}

r^3 = \frac{8}{27}

r = \frac{2}{3}\\\\

a+ar+ar^2 = \frac{76}{45}

a+\frac{2}{3}a+\frac{4}{9}a = \frac{76}{45}

\frac{9}{9}a+\frac{6}{9}a+\frac{4}{9}a = \frac{76}{45}

\frac{19}{9}a = \frac{76}{45}

a= \frac{76}{45}\cdot \frac{9}{19}

a= \frac{4\cdot 19}{9 \cdot 5}\cdot \frac{9}{19}

a= \frac{4}{5}\\

so, the ratio is 2/3 and the first term is 4/5

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Last Update: Fri, 28 Jan 22