The following text is for questions 21 to 22.I planned

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari e3250172 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

The following text is for questions 21 to 22.I planned to go to my friend's house. Silvia and I would take her to go for a walk last Sunday !
guessed that my plan would run well, but it didn't run as I had planned.
I woke up early and cleaned up my room. When I was preparing for leaving. my sister Ellen came
and asked me to help her with her task to make a handy craft from recycled items. We decided to make a
lamp from a plastic bottle
After that I went in my room to get my bag and left. However I saw many unwashed cloths and
dishes. I also saw my mother sweeping the floor. I thought for a while whether I should go or help my
Finally, I decided to stay at home and help her. I swept and mopped the floor and my mother
washed the dishes. Then we cooked together. It was really enjoyable. I couldn't take a walk, but I could
do better things.
21.what is Texs about?
A.the writer's Takon Sunday
B.the writer's family
C.the writer's daily raountines
D.the writer's experience on Sunday
E.the writer's habits on sunday
22. make a handycraft from recycled items(par 2)the underlined word has a similar meaning with

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22.kalimat underline-nya mana ?

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Last Update: Wed, 25 Aug 21