1. My house is 5 km from here, the Shopping

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari asisa7356 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. My house is 5 km from here, the Shopping centre is 7 km from here, and the Play Ground is 10 Km from here.Which statement is not true?
A. The house is nearer than the shopping centre
B. The shopping centre is nearer than Play ground
C. The house is the nearest
D. The shopping centre is the farthest
E. The shopping centre is the farrest

2. Analyze these sentences!
Andy buys 1 kg apple for Rp 32.500 and 2 kg oranges Rp. 42.000
Rischma buys 2 kg apples for Rp 55.000 and 1 Kg oranges Rp 22.500
Fachri buys ½ kg apple for Rp. 17.500 and 2 kg oranges for 45.000

Which statement is correct?
A. The price of Rischma's apple is more expensive than Andy's
B. The price of Fachri's orange is as expensive as Risma's
C. The price of Andy's apple is the cheapest of all.
D. The price of Fachri's apple is cheaper than Rischma's
E. The price of Andy's orange is more expensive tha

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. D

2. ??? ga lengkap kepotong soalnya


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Last Update: Tue, 03 Aug 21