#minta bantu temn²:))​

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari angelica976 pada mata pelajaran SBMPTN untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

#minta bantu temn²:))​
#minta bantu temn²:))​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. The city is father than what I have imagined.

The city is father than what I have imagined.The city is the farthest of all destinations offered in the booklet.

2. This book has more pages than that book.

This book has more pages than that book.This book has the most pages in the library.

3. You are two years older than me.

4. You are the oldest among those students.

are the oldest among those students.Which one is better of these two?

are the oldest among those students.Which one is better of these two?Which one is the best from these three?

5. Her condition is getting worse.

condition is getting worse.Her condition may get the worst tomorrow.

Maaf Jika Salah Terserah Anda Mau Ikut Ini Atau Tidak Mana Yang Anggap Anda Benar

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Last Update: Wed, 18 May 22